Les multiples fonctions de la Posidonie

The multiple functions of Posidonia

The Mediterranean Posidonia ( Posidonia oceanica ) is endemic to the Mediterranean Sea and the most common seagrass species in these waters. It covers between 25,000 and 50,000 km2 of coastal areas, corresponding to 25% of the seabed at a depth of between 0 and 40 m. Posidonia plays a key role for marine life but also for the preservation of our beaches, where we wear our ethical swimsuits .

April 28, 2022 — Customer Success
Le rapport Meadows : une bouteille jetée à la mer qui revient

The Meadows report: a bottle thrown into the sea that comes back

Arguably one of the most controversial and famous reports of the 20th century is The Limits to Growth report, also known as the Meadows Report . It was published in book form in 1972 and presents scenarios, based on computer modeling, of the consequences of economic and population growth . If you are still hesitant, this report should make you decide to adopt eco-responsible swimsuits .

July 24, 2021 — Customer Success
Des filets de pêches usagés pour aller surfer et faire du bien aux océans

Used fishing nets to go surfing and do good to the oceans

Nomads Surfing presents the first surf fins made in France from fishing nets abandoned at sea or collected in ports from fishermen and recycled. Created in 2017, Nomads Surfing, a...
December 10, 2020 — Customer Success
Les labels OEKO TEX pour un textile respectueux de l’environnement

OEKO TEX labels for an environmentally friendly textile

Based in Zurich, the OEKO-TEX® Association is a cooperation that aims to ensure health and ecological qualities in the textile industry. OEKO-TEX certification ensures that all components of a product...
November 01, 2020 — Customer Success
Les menaces de la Posidonie

The threats of Posidonia

Posidonia (Posidonia oceanica) is a flowering plant endemic to the Mediterranean that provides multiple ecosystem services. It forms vast meadows between the surface and 40 m deep. Thanks to Posidonia,...
September 06, 2020 — Customer Success
L'océan devient de plus en plus acide

The ocean is getting more and more acidic

Due to carbon emissions, the ocean is changing, which endangers a whole series of marine organisms. Acidification is a consequence of climate change; a slow but exorable real-life experiment in...
August 28, 2020 — Customer Success
L'association 5 Minute Beach Cleanup

The 5 Minute Beach Cleanup Association

What a great way to start or end your day at the beach, with your cute eco-friendly swimsuit, than to take a few minutes to pick up trash left on...
July 25, 2020 — Customer Success
Les dangers de la pollution engendrée par le transport maritime

The dangers of pollution caused by maritime transport

More than 90% of the products in world trade are transported across the world's oceans by some 90,000 ships . Like all modes of transport using fossil fuels, these ships...
June 24, 2020 — Customer Success
Les types de tortues en Méditérrannée

Types of turtles in the Mediterranean

Fishermen and bathers in pretty ethical swimsuits are not the only ones to appreciate the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean Sea is also frequented by three species of sea turtles, two of...
June 06, 2020 — Customer Success
Le combat de l'association Ghostdiving.org contre les filets fantômes

The fight of the Ghostdiving.org association against ghost nets

" Ghost Fishing " is what fishing tackle does when it has been lost, dumped or abandoned in the water. Nets, longlines, fish traps or any other artificial gear designed to capture fish or marine organisms are considered capable of ghost fishing when left in the water.

June 01, 2020 — Customer Success
L'impact des filets de pêche jetés en mer sur la faune (le ghostfishing)

The impact of fishing nets thrown at sea on wildlife (ghostfishing)

It is not because a net is no longer used by fishermen that it no longer works. These nets continue to trap everything in their path, posing a major problem for the health of our oceans and marine life. Ghost nets don't just catch fish; they also entangle sea turtles, dolphins, birds, sharks, seals, etc. These animals get caught in these nets, often unable to detect them by sight or sonar.
May 21, 2020 — Customer Success
A la rencontre des volontaires qui retirent les filets fantômes de l'océan

Meet the volunteers who remove ghost nets from the ocean

The Healthy Seas initiative, which is doing a lot in the Mediterranean, was co-founded by Aquafil , an Italian nylon manufacturer that builds supply chains that source raw materials from waste rather than directly from industry. petrochemical.
May 21, 2020 — Customer Success